Our new high/mid power line source loudspeakers

Using the latest technology and design, our newly introduced powerful V-Line range features HPLS and MPLS models, which are both compact and lightweight.
These new products include separate mid frequency and high frequency lines designed to give a smooth integrated performance.
The high frequency line uses a multi-cellular waveguide (unique to Logic Systems) to provide a coherent high frequency line which integrates seamlessly with the mid frequency line using conventional high power neodymium drivers.
The model range covers a wide range of power handling and includes 'compact', 'standard' and 'extended' lines which have increasing coverage range as the loudspeakers increase in size.
We’ve also introduced two new low frequency loudspeakers, 2x12" and 2x18" to complement the HPLS and MPLS product ranges.
Click here for full product details